Recebeu a medalha de honra da Ordem de Cristo em 1926 pelos serviços prestados a Macau. Morreu em Portugal a 22 de Novembro de 1948 com 75 anos. No livro "Macau que eu conheci: anos 20 e 30" a sua neta - Maria do Céu Saraiva Jorge - fala da vida do avô... e é uma história digna de ser lida.
José Vicente Jorge, sinólogo e grande coleccionador de arte chinesa foi proprietário de um palacete e um rico jardim, muito admirados mas já desaparecidos. Escreveu, entre outros, um livro de “Notas sobre a Arte Chinesa”.
My grandparents used to visit the Jorge house (we are related) and my father had the book. Every corner of the house was filled with porcelain, dozens of plates from floor to ceiling on the walls. On tables, dozens of vases. The story was that he bought porcelain from soldiers who had looted Peking in 1900, saving them "from barbarians". He was awarded a medal from General Yuan shih kai who became Emperor for a short time. The collection was lost in a mysterious way, supposedly the ship that was carrying it was sunk in a typhoon between Macau and Hong Kong in 1947.
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