segunda-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2024

"Praya Grande": descubra as diferenças

"The Praia Grande, a beautiful promenade on sea front, with Fort San Francisco and Public Gardens at the Eastern end, the ancient Fort Bom Parto and magnificent Hotel Boa Vista on an eminence at the West end."
in The Directory and Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines, and Etc, 1902
"Travellers to the East should not leave Hongkong without paying a visit to Macao. This historical and picturesque Portuguese Colony founded in 1557 is sufficiently important and interesting to deserve a portion of the tourist's time. The approach to Macao is exceedingly beautiful and has often been spoken of as a miniature Bay of Naples."
in The Directory and Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines, and Etc, 1906
"Le quartier de la Praia Grande est l'endroit le plus fréquenté de la ville. La Praia Grande est une agréable promenade ombragée ouverte sur la baie et terminée par un jardin dans lequel se donnent des concerts."
in Bulletin de la Société belge d'études coloniales, 1910.

"Saubere gut gepflasterte Straßen führen zwischen altmodischen Häusern mit grünen Fensterläden bergauf und bergab bis wir die Praia Grande erreichen eine hübsche Promenade am Meeresufer an der neben dem" 
"Ruas limpas e bem pavimentadas sobem e descem entre casas antigas com venezianas verdes até chegarmos à Praia Grande, um bonito passeio à beira-mar."
in Im Osten Asiens, 1896

Em cima a fotografia que muito provavelmente deu origem às diversas soluções de postais ilustrados publicados entre os últimos anos do século 19 e os primeiros do século 20. 

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