É um livro recheado de fotografias de Macau do final da década de 1950 e início da de 1960. Foi editado em 1963 pela Dragonfly Books de Hong Kong. As fotos são de Harry Redl. Só a capa é a cores e retrata um arco comemorativo no Leal Senado. 100 páginas. Uma edição muito valiosa e rara de encontrar. A que possuo adquiri recentemente em França.
HR was born in Vienna in 1926, served during the war with the German navy in the Baltic Sea, and was captured by the Americans in 1945. He spent a year working as an interpreter for Canadian forces. In 1950 he emigrated to Canada, taking various jobs in Vancouver as a waiter, logger, and shipping clerk. A friend brought him a Rolleiflex in 1952, and that started him on his photographic career. In 1956, passing through San Francisco enroute to Mexico City, he was electrified by the flourishing literary and art scenes and returned for a 3 year stay.
Estação de Jerinxás no Largo da Companhia de Jesus |
Autoretrato: década 1950-60 |
Vista a partir do Farol Guia |
In 1961 he shipped out to Hong Kong on what began as a vacation and turned out to be six years of work covering the Vietnam war, Communist uprisings in Indonesia, and events in Laos, Cambodia, and China. In 1967 he returned to Vienna for a year and then to Phoenix for the next seventeen years. He now lives in Vancouver, Canada.
a despedida de Harry Redl de Macau: foto área com vista sobre a península de Macau |
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