No post anterior avanço como hipótese que uma das fotografias retrata a rua de S. Lourenço no final do século XIX. Um leitor do blog, neste caso dos EUA (Nova Iorque), enviou-me o seguinte e-mail que passo a partilhar convosco. Diz ele - que viveu muitos anos em Macau - que não se trata da rua de S. Lourenço mas antes a Calçada da Paz, nas traseiras do Instituto Salesiano. E é bem capaz de ter razão. Leiam a sua mensagem e atentem nos detalhes da descrição.
Resta-me agradecer o seu contributo. O espírito deste projecto sempre foi o da partilha do conhecimento e fico muito satisfeito por verificar que a caminho do 5º ano de existência o blog não só tem vindo a bater recordes de leitores como os tem mais activos do que nunca. Obrigado!
This picture is not taken on the Rua da S. Lourenço. I look at this for a long time and I remember where is this location. It makes me to think a lot of my life in Macau in my childhood. And the back door of the Salesian School where every Sunday evening I was walking out to leave the school for home.
I am believing that the three storey building in this photo was still there in 1983 when I back to Macau from New York, I ever been there when I was visiting my friend's family.
This building once was the National Printing Bereau before it moved to the Rua dos Prazeres and changed the name of the street to be Rua da Imprensa Nacional in 1954. This building also been an Esquadra da Policia número 3 after sooner. In this picture, I would like to tell you what do I ever seen.
I am believing that the three storey building in this photo was still there in 1983 when I back to Macau from New York, I ever been there when I was visiting my friend's family.
This building once was the National Printing Bereau before it moved to the Rua dos Prazeres and changed the name of the street to be Rua da Imprensa Nacional in 1954. This building also been an Esquadra da Policia número 3 after sooner. In this picture, I would like to tell you what do I ever seen.
1) From the left where you see the sadden where two people were setting on the ground, there was the Colegio di Matteo Ricci when you were a young master in Macau.
2) Behind these two guys was a street to turn left, that street is called Travessa do Bom Jesus.
3) On the right where you see the shadow of the Indian Police by the lamp pole. There was another street on right side and going down to the Praia, it is called the Calçada do Bom Jesus.
4) On the right of this picture where you see the trees there should be the rear door of the Instituto di Salesiano. And you can walk to Melo Machado by this way.
5) Now it is so clearly the street in the picture is named in Calçada da Paz.
Am I right? Thanks a lot for sharing all those photographs I love. God bless you and your family
J. V. in New York
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