Kit Yee Tong, the oldest martial arts club in Macao
Standing opposite to the historic Na Tcha Temple of Mount Hill is a humble two-storey compound home to a kung fu legend more than a century old. It began in 1914, when a group of local kung fu practitioners formed a lion dance troupe to participate in the firecracker-grabbing races during major festivals. The team soon attracted more like-minded people and, in 1921, it officially transformed into a martial arts club called Kit Yee Tong, or the congregation of righteous men.
Li Fok Nga, an established kung fu expert from Hainan, was invited to be the master coach of Kit Yee Tong. Master Li specialised in Wu Hsing Hong Quan (Five Forms Fist), a kung fu style that simulates five animals – Dragon, Tiger, Leopard, Snake, and Crane. Taking the simple compound on Mount Hill as a teaching base, he quickly became a highly respected figure within the neighbourhood.
The passion for kung fu dissemination was soon overshadowed by an urge to defend the country. When the Japanese invasion of Manchuria began in 1931, Master Li volunteered to join the legendary 19th Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army, fighting in the First Battle of Shanghai. Appointed as the coach of a machete squad, he led his fellow fighters in midnight attacks on Japanese military camps. While Master Li and other warriors were risking their life on the battlefield, people in Macao were filled with a sense of patriotism. Members of Kit Yee Tong, along with other devoted individuals and associations, organised dragon dance and kung fu performances to raise funds to support China against the Japanese invasion. Unfortunately, Master Li became very sick during his military service and was commanded to return to Macao for better medical treatment. His health continued to deteriorate; he passed away at the age of 45.
Today, Master Li is remembered as the pioneer of Kit Yee Tong. A memorial tablet affixed to the entrance of the compound commemorates his wartime contributions. His training weapon, a rusted trident more than a metre long, is regarded as a spiritual mascot by the members of Kit Yee Tong. Na Tcha Festival is the biggest annual event for Kit Yee Tong. Since its establishment in 1921, the club has sent lion dance troupe to take part in the celebration each year.
Excertos de artigo de Cathy Lai e António Sanmarful in Macao, nº 41, Julho 2017. Segue-se uma tradução livre dos excertos.
Standing opposite to the historic Na Tcha Temple of Mount Hill is a humble two-storey compound home to a kung fu legend more than a century old. It began in 1914, when a group of local kung fu practitioners formed a lion dance troupe to participate in the firecracker-grabbing races during major festivals. The team soon attracted more like-minded people and, in 1921, it officially transformed into a martial arts club called Kit Yee Tong, or the congregation of righteous men.
Li Fok Nga, an established kung fu expert from Hainan, was invited to be the master coach of Kit Yee Tong. Master Li specialised in Wu Hsing Hong Quan (Five Forms Fist), a kung fu style that simulates five animals – Dragon, Tiger, Leopard, Snake, and Crane. Taking the simple compound on Mount Hill as a teaching base, he quickly became a highly respected figure within the neighbourhood.
The passion for kung fu dissemination was soon overshadowed by an urge to defend the country. When the Japanese invasion of Manchuria began in 1931, Master Li volunteered to join the legendary 19th Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army, fighting in the First Battle of Shanghai. Appointed as the coach of a machete squad, he led his fellow fighters in midnight attacks on Japanese military camps. While Master Li and other warriors were risking their life on the battlefield, people in Macao were filled with a sense of patriotism. Members of Kit Yee Tong, along with other devoted individuals and associations, organised dragon dance and kung fu performances to raise funds to support China against the Japanese invasion. Unfortunately, Master Li became very sick during his military service and was commanded to return to Macao for better medical treatment. His health continued to deteriorate; he passed away at the age of 45.
Today, Master Li is remembered as the pioneer of Kit Yee Tong. A memorial tablet affixed to the entrance of the compound commemorates his wartime contributions. His training weapon, a rusted trident more than a metre long, is regarded as a spiritual mascot by the members of Kit Yee Tong. Na Tcha Festival is the biggest annual event for Kit Yee Tong. Since its establishment in 1921, the club has sent lion dance troupe to take part in the celebration each year.
Excertos de artigo de Cathy Lai e António Sanmarful in Macao, nº 41, Julho 2017. Segue-se uma tradução livre dos excertos.

Em frente ao histórico templo de Na Tcha, nas traseiras das ruínas de S. Paulo fica um pequeno edifício de dois pisos, que alberga uma lenda do kung fu há mais de um século. Tudo começou em 1914 quando praticantes locais de kung fu formaram um grupo de dança do leão para participar nas festividades chinesas. O grupo depressa cresceu e em 1921 foi formado oficialmente um clube de artes marciais chamado Kit Yee Tong, cuja tradução significa congregação de homens justos.
Li Fok Nga, um especialista estabelecido em kung fu de Hainan, foi convidado a ser o principal treinador do clube. O mestre Li era especializado em Wu Hsing Hong Quan (Five Forms Fist), um estilo de kung fu que assenta a sua base nos movimentos de cinco animais: Dragão, Tigre, Leopardo, Serpente e Grou (ave).
A paixão pela disseminação do kung fu seria ofuscada pelo um desejo de defender o país aquando da invasão japonesa da Manchúria em 1931 e o Mestre Li foi como voluntário para o lendário 19º batalhão do Exército Nacional Revolucionário, lutando na primeira batalha de Xangai.
Por Macau, a Kit Yee Tong, juntamente com outras associações organizaram performances de dança de dragão e leão bem como demonstrações de kung fu com o objectivo de arrecadar fundos para apoiar a China contra a invasão japonesa. O mestre Li acabaria por adoecer e regressar a Macau onde morreu aos 45 anos sendo desde então lembrado como o pioneiro do clube Kit Yee Tong.
Um quadro evoca a sua memória, bem como a sua arma de treino, um tridente enferrujado de mais de um metro de comprimento, considerado a mascote espiritual pelos membros do Kit Yee Tong. Desde a fundação em 1921 a Kit Yee Tong participa no festival em honra de Na Tcha.
Sugestão:Por Macau, a Kit Yee Tong, juntamente com outras associações organizaram performances de dança de dragão e leão bem como demonstrações de kung fu com o objectivo de arrecadar fundos para apoiar a China contra a invasão japonesa. O mestre Li acabaria por adoecer e regressar a Macau onde morreu aos 45 anos sendo desde então lembrado como o pioneiro do clube Kit Yee Tong.
Um quadro evoca a sua memória, bem como a sua arma de treino, um tridente enferrujado de mais de um metro de comprimento, considerado a mascote espiritual pelos membros do Kit Yee Tong. Desde a fundação em 1921 a Kit Yee Tong participa no festival em honra de Na Tcha.
Se está por Macau por estes dias, não perca a oportunidade única de assistir ao “Encontro de Mestres de Wushu 2017”, um evento de celebração de artes marciais tradicionais entre 10 e 13 de Agosto. Durante o encontro, que reúne alguns dos melhores mestres mundiais de Wushu, estão previstos vários eventos que combinam elementos desportivos, turísticos e culturais: “Suncity Grupo CKF Desafio Internacional de Combate - Macau”, “Festival Wushu de Verão”, “Competição Internacional de Taolu”, e “SJM IV Campeonato Asiático das Danças de Dragão e de Leão”.
Nota: Wushu significa literalmente a “arte da guerra” e é uma expressão que designa todas as artes guerreiras, militares ou marciais. O kung fu faz portanto parte do Wushu, mas é apenas um estilo/arte marcial entre centenas que se praticam na China e um pouco por todo o mundo.
Nota: Wushu significa literalmente a “arte da guerra” e é uma expressão que designa todas as artes guerreiras, militares ou marciais. O kung fu faz portanto parte do Wushu, mas é apenas um estilo/arte marcial entre centenas que se praticam na China e um pouco por todo o mundo.
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