sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2022

Old Port of Macao Institutes Modern Improvements

Old Port of Macao Institutes Modern Improvements
Pretentious Harbor Project Completed and Ocean Going Vessels Now Using Port - Busses and Trucks Will Operate on New Highways - Trade Outlook Optimistic
Trade Commissioner A. Viola Smith, Shanghai, China
Macao, the oldest outpost of Europe in its inter course with China is passing through a period of de velopment which promises to make it one of the prosperous and advanced of the foreign colonies China Macao is situated on a small island lying the estuary of the River Si Kiang in South China about 40 miles from Canton. It was long known to European seafarers as a safe haven of refuge and in its early period, following Portuguese domination, which was established in 1540, held a proud place in history of trade with China. Up to the time of the cession of Hong Kong to Great Britain in 1841, Macao for several centuries had been the principal trading point between China and the West especially during the eighteenth century. When Hong Kong and Canton were opened to foreign trade however Macao's preeminence as a treaty port was lost and its prosperity began to decline.

Excellent Harbor Now Provided
Recognizing that the greatest obstacle to development was the lack of a harbor to accommodate modern vessels of large tonnage, the Portuguese officials of Macao in 1923 embarked upon a pretentious plan for harbor works and reclamation. The plan was completed in 1926 good anchorage was provided for large ocean going vessels and since that time a strong bid has been made by the authorities to attract commercial and industrial enterprises and particularly Chinese capital.

Ocean Going Vessels Using Port
The main harbor improvement consists of two break waters extending from St Francis Point in the Macao to Macao seac which adequately shelter for the harbor. Access to the port is through a channel about 4 miles long ex ceeding 300 feet in width and extending for a further 2 miles to the east and 1 mile to the west. The channel commands a depth of 15 feet at low tide and at high tide permits the easy entrance of ships drawing up to 18 or 20 feet. Basins are dredged to various depthsof 18 12 and 9 feet enabling different types of vessels to make use of the port.

Port Area Extended by 500 Acres
Over 5,000,000 cubic meters of mud were dredged from the harbor bed resulting in the addition of 300 acres of reclaimed land. The port area accordingly has increased to 1,750 acres as compared with 1,250 in 1920. The new port and the many contingent im provements including reclamations in the inner and outer harbors at Taipa cost upwards of 10,000,000 Mexican dollars.

Motor Highways Under Construction
A broad level highway is under construction connecting Macao to Shekki a distance of 35 miles. Shekki is a thriving trade center which taps a large agricultural area in the Heung Shan district of Kwantung Province and this highway will provide an outlet for its wealth of products through the port of Macao. Upon the completion of the highway in about three months time a bus and truck service is to be inaugurated. This with other contemplated highways out of Macao should offer good opportunities for sales of motor cars and trucks.

New Building Construction - Future Improvements
The impetus provided by harbor improvement was well reflected in new building construction in Macao. Rapidly nearing completion is a modern seven story hotel of reinforced concrete with a facing of imitation granite. The hotel is a good example of modern architecture and towering 50 feet above surrounding roofs offers an excellent view of the entire city and harbor. Other building construction is progressing and the new roads in the city have resulted in many new residential projects. A race course opened in March 1926 is attracting many visitors to the colony. A water negotiated works and sewerage plant for Macao is proposed 

Population Growing Trade Increasing
The population of Macao is reported to have doubled early in 1927 and at the end of that year reached a total of 160,000. Of these 3,864 were Portuguese and 591 other foreigners. Macao's general trade reached a total of 50,000,000 Mexican dollars during 1927 and a satisfactory growth is prophesied for 1928. A very successful commercial fair was held at Macao in 1926 which was reported to have scored a success both financially and for the furtherance of propaganda. Plans are now under way for opening another and larger fair in 1929. A commercial museum recently has been established and the colony within the past year has taken advantage of every possibility to attract the outside world and to establish itself as a center of trade and as a popular pleasure resort .

Artigo publicado na Commerce Reports, edição de 2.7.1928, publicação semanal do governo dos EUA.

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