terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2022

As aguarelas de Robert Elliott

Robert James Elliott (1790-1849) foi um oficial da Marinha Real inglesa que ficou conhecido como desenhador/ilustrador  no período de 1822 a 1824. Entrou na Marinha Real como cadete em 1802 e serviu o país durante a Guerra Napoleónica. Foi nomeado tenente pela bravura do seu comportamento em 1808 quando foi gravemente ferido. Promovido a tenente nesse ano, desde então e até 1814 serviu nas Índias Orientais ano em que foi promovido a Comandante em 1814. De 1822 a 1824 comandou um navio que fazia o percurso entre a Índia, Cantão e o Mar Vermelho e durante este período, fez inúmeros esboços in loco, incluindo vários de Macau. Esses desenhos foram posteriormente publicados em livros como o "Views in the East, comprising India, Canton, and the Red Sea, with Historical and Descriptive Letterpress by Emma Roberts, publicado entre 1830-33 e Views in the East, de 1833.
Robert James Elliott (1790-1849) was an English naval officer, Captain in the Royal Navy, and known as a topographical draughtsman from 1822 to 1824.
He entered the Royal Navy as a Cadet in 1802, and served his country during the Napoleonic War. He was made a lieutenant for his gallantry in charge of the boats of the Fox, in 1808 when he was severely wounded in trying to cut out a ship from Batavia Roads.
Promoted to Lieutenant in 1808, and from then to 1814 he served in the East Indies. He was made Commander on 1814. From 1822 to 1824 he was in command of a vessel that toured India, Canton, and the Red Sea during this period he made numerous on the spot sketches, including several of Macau.
Those sketches were later published in several books such as Views in the East, comprising India, Canton, and the Red Sea, with Historical and Descriptive Letterpress by Emma Roberts (1830-33) and Views in the East (1833).
Graças a Elliot é possível percebermos como era a fisionomia da baía da Praia Grande na primeira metade do século 19. Na segunda metade temos os desenhos e pinturas de George Chinnery e um olhar mais atento permite vislumbrar como a principal diferença o quanto as fachadas dos edifícios mudaram, passado de edifícios apalaçados de linhas rectilíneas para construções com mais janelas e, sobretudo, varandas e arcadas.
Tal como em inúmeros testemunhos de viajantes do séculos 18 e 19, também em Elliot surgem referências às semelhanças entre a baía da cidade italiana de Nápoles (numa pintura do início do séc. 19 em baixo) e a baía da Praia Grande de Macau, que Elliot retratou de forma exímia.
Excerto sobre Macau de "Views of the East":
The Portuguese settlement at Macao is well known as the only spot of ground that Europeans have ever been allowed to hold within the confines of the Chinese empire. This place is said to have been granted to its present possessors as far back as the year of our Lord 1586 in reward for some service that the Portuguese were able to render the Chinese government in opposing the outlaws that had established themselves on the islands that lie about the entrance of the Tigris and which are called the Ladrones in consequence of their occupation by those pirates. Until within these very few years past when they were entirely extirpated these depredators were a constant source of terror and annoyance to the Chinese and did much injury to the trade both within and without the mouth of the Canton river Nor were their attacks confined to the vessels of their own countrymen alone European ships have occasionally fallen into their hands.
Macao is built upon a piece of land that forms a peninsula and it appears to be well chosen if the Portuguese had any choice in the matter for the sake of defence but the same circumstance of situation that renders it defensible on the one hand admits of its being easily blocked up on the other. A wall extends across the isthmus and the strictest precautions are taken by the Chinese that no European shall pass the boundary which only allows a short space of clear ground beyond the houses and gardens that lie on the outskirts of the town. A small Chinese fort is erected within sight of the barrier wall and upon any slight with the Portuguese the governor of this fort will stop the supply of provisions from entering until the authorities within choose to yield submission. Nor is it from only that the Chinese exercise control over the Portuguese they have also established a restrictive power within that keeps these colonists in complete subjection. Nothing can exceed the humiliating circumstances under which the Portuguese are content to retain possession of Macao.
This settlement lies in latitude 22 13 N and in longitude 113 32 E forty or fifty miles from the entrance of the Tigris. There is a narrow channel between Macao and the main land though in passing through the roadstead towards the mouth of the river it appears to be part of the coast.
A Praia Grande (vista de Norte) por R. Elliot ca. 1830

The water is shoal for several miles from the shore so that ships of heavy burden lie at anchor a considerable distance from the land and there is some difficulty in getting the regular Portuguese traders when lightened to the utmost into the inner harbour that runs up at the back of the town. The bay of Macao is said to be gradually filling up with mud on one side of it there is a basin formed by four islands where Lord Anson s ship the Centurion was laid up to repair and certainly now there is not water enough to allow of a vessel of that size being brought into the same place.
The roads of Macao are protected in some degree by the cluster of the Ladrone Islands that lie without but the East India Company s ships avoid anchoring there when they arrive in the months of August and September at which times those violent gales of wind known by the name of Typhoons are liable to blow.
The European members of the factories retire to Macao during the period of the year in which their services are not required at Canton and excepting the continued feeling of confinement it forms on the whole a pleasant place of residence. The sea breeze blows during the hot season right in upon the houses of almost all the English inhabitants that stand either on the beach in the bay a part of which is represented in this plate or upon the face of the hill that overlooks the ocean.
The wives and families of Europeans remain altogether at Macao not being allowed to go up to the city of Canton this is a restriction that it is not easy to account for without indeed it forms a part of the Chinese system of making a residence in China as uncomfortable to Europeans as it is possible to render it with a view of discouraging the settling of strangers among them. This jealousy of the Chinese is a constant subject of complaint but it is not to be marvelled at that they should be upon their guard respecting foreigners when we know that little more than two centuries have elapsed since the merchants of England were preferring humble petitions to the sovereigns of Hindoostan to allow them to trade with their dominions. When the Island of Bombay was ceded by the Portuguese to Charles the Second as part of the dowry of Queen Catherine in the year 1661 it could never have been contemplated that by this time Hindoostan would have become a colony of England. The Chinese have the grand example of India before their eyes and however we may suffer from their caution when living amongst them we ought not upon reflection to be either surprised or aggrieved at the distrustful way in which they are accustomed to view all our proceedings.
The town is built on both sides and over the hill towards the extremity of the peninsula and it has all the picturesqueness that distinguishes Portuguese and Spanish places. The churches convents and forts occupy conspicuous places and add greatly to the beauty of the landscape This bay in miniature has been compared to the bay of Naples there are certainly points of view that would make a large and beautiful picture the mountainous islands of Lantow and Lintin forming the distance.
The view that forms the subject this plate (imagem acima) is taken from nearly the centre of the bay in the direction that the Bocca Tigris lies The sketch made from the veranda of a house occupied by Sir Urmston who was chief of the factory at that time and larger buildings that appear are the public buildings of East India Company.
The house of the Portuguese is also seen and the Chinese chop or custom house by the Mandarin pole There is very little communication between the English Portuguese families at Macao the distinctive manners and customs of each country being very completely maintained they do not particularly suit each other. A visit of ceremony the governor is all that is required and all that usually between the English visitors at Macao and the authorities there are frequently invalids from India at this place In the north east monsoon the weather cool enough at times to make fires very agreeable the whole day the wind commonly blows fresh and is and piercing during the cold half of the year.
The public administration is vested in a senate composed of the bishop the judge and a few of the principal inhabitants but as the Gazetteer remarks the Chinese mandarin is real governor at Macao."

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