Publicado nos EUA em 1857 o livro "My Last Cruise: Or, where We Went and what We Saw" é o relato das viagens do tenente da marinha norte-americana, Alexander Wylly Herbersham (1826-1883), no âmbito de uma expedição científica dos EUA entre 1853 e 1856.
"Hong Kong is more of a European settlement than anything else and the same is pretty much the case with Macao. The former of these is remarkable as the residence of money makers of all nations and a few ramrod like English soldiers who, to use the words of an old messmate, walk up and down the Queen's Road encased dingy boy like in dangerously tight trousers and amuse themselves by switching the dust from them with very delicate canes. Macao is remarkable for its pure air cool temperature fine summer retreats and as the residence of Portugal's great epic poet, the second Milton, Camoens the beautiful. We visited his cave, the birthplace of his most glorious lines and went away with sad thoughts of his brief though brilliant advent."
As ilustrações são de Edward Kern.
A gruta de Camões surge na capa e no interior
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