quarta-feira, 17 de maio de 2023

"Manners & Customs of the Chinese at Macao"

Já tinha abordado antes este "Manners & customs of the Chinese at Macao" traduzido por Rufino F. Martins*. 
Foi publicado no ano de 1877 em Xangai e tem por base  o livro "Os Chins de Macau" (1867) da autoria de Manuel de Castro Sampaio.

No prefácio (Xangai em Janeiro de 1877) o tradutor Rufino F. Martins escreve:
There is much to interest everyone in the Chinese. Whether their manners and customs partake of the spirit of the present age, or are precisely what they were centuries back matters little. 
They are a peculiar people; and as but few have troubled themselves to find out, or even to read much about them, I doubt not that in the series of papers, contained in this little book, I shall be able to tell much that is new to my readers. 
These papers have been translated in part from a work published in Macao in the year 1867, by Mr. Manuel de Castro Sampaio, entitled  Os Chins de Macao”. (...) 

Opinião da imprensa da época:
“Shanghai Courier and China Gazette” - 6.9.1876.
A particularly valuable article, - the first, we believe, of a series - is contributed by Mr. Rufino F. Martins, on Marriage Ceremonies of the Chinese at Macao. 

"Hongkong Daily Press” - 14.9.1876
The first of a series of articles on 'Manners and Customs in the Far East' is given. There is a brief introduction, followed by the first article, which is entitled “Marriage Ceremonies of the Chinese at Macao,’’ a translation by Mr. R. F. Martins. These articles, if all as good as the first one, will prove interesting and valuable. 

“China Mail” - 14.9.1876
A very excellent article, the first of a series, we believe, on Manners and Customs in the Far East, by Mr. R. F. Martins, is given. The subject of the article in this number, by the way, is the Marriage Ceremonies of the Chinese at Macao. The article is likely to prov e most interesting to readers in this part of the country.

* Trata-se de Rufino Francisco Martins (tinha o mesmo nome que o pai).

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