sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2022

"Viagem de Jorge Álvares à China" de José Maria Braga

"China Landfall, 1513 : Jorge Alvares' Voyage to China. A Compilation of Some Relevant Material", J. M. Braga, Macau, Imprensa Nacional, 1955
Trata-se da reprodução da Separata do nº 4 do Boletim do Instituto Português de Hong Kong publicado uns meses antes.

"The compilation of this sketch was prompted by His Excellency Hear-Admiral J. Marques Esparteiro, when it was decided that a monument to Jorge Alvares should be erected at Macao. The present study is the result, although it cannot he said to be adequate, but with the material available here in the Far East I have not been able to do better.
To Mr. Loh Tsoh-tseung, late Principal of the Lingnam College, I record my thanks and indebtedness for quotations and translations of Chinese references. I also thank my friends Mr. Peter E. Wong and Mr. Austin Coates for reading the manuscript and for several suggestions, but for mistakes and many imperfections I alone am responsible. I express my appreciation as well to Mr. Luiz Agostinho da Luz for the maps and drawings so courteously and painstakingly prepared by him for this book.
Hong Kong, June, 1953. J. M. Braga"

Photograph of document in the Portuguese archives referring to the erection of the padrao in China. 
Segundo  J. M. Braga Tamao/Tamão é a ilha de Lintin - Nei Lingding, uma pequena ilha localizada entre Macau e Hong Kong. Investigações chinesas mais recentes apontam outras hipóteses como a ilha de Lantau ou a ilha onde está actualmente o aeroporto internacional de Hong Kong, Chek Lap Kok.
Inscrição na estátua de Jorge Álvares inaugurada em Macau em 1954

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