domingo, 29 de setembro de 2024

A transplanted bit of continental Europe

It may be as well to premise that a trip to China and a visit to all the places usually resorted to by the traveler cannot be accomplished in less than six months. The best time to undertake this however is between the months of October and May. 
The ports open to foreign trade in China by Treaty are Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Foochow, Wanchow, Ningpo, Shanghai, Yentai, Chefoo and Nin Chwang; Chinkiang, Nanking, Woohoo, Kiukiang, Hankow and Ichang on the Yang-tze-Kiang; Takow, Taiwan, Tamsuy and Kelung in the Island of Formosa; Taku and Tientsing on the Peiho; and two small ports on the southern coast. 
At each of these is a Consular representative. Hong kong is a British colony being separate in its gubernatorial functions, while Macao is a Portuguese settlement long occupied by them but to which the Chinese Government assert they have no right either by treaty or conquest. Of these, the ports most usually resorted to by the tourist are Shanghai, Hongkong, Macao, Tientsing, Peking, the River ports and Chefoo, to all of which there is rapid and excellent communication by steamboat. (...)

This settlement looks like a transplanted bit of continental Europe. It is a pleasant spot thoroughly Portuguese and has some fine structures. The Praya, the Senate house dating from 1585, the cathedral, the military hospital, Government house and the barracks are all notable. The forts Paulo de Monte and San Francisco should be visited as should also Camoen's Grotto, in the grounds of Senhor Marques. Besides these, excursions may be made to the Barrier, the Ringing Rocks and the Yung mak springs. Throughout China there is no lack of means of communication and there is no danger; want of civility may produce a disturbance, but when misunderstandings occur, the western traveler has been usually found to be in the wrong. Treat the Mongolian as if he were a Christian and all will go right in his own country.
Excerto de "Doxey's Guide to San Francisco and Vicinity; The Big Trees, Yo Semite Valley, the Geysers, China, Japan and Sandwich Islands", S. Francisco, 1881

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