
segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2021

"Macau Inn: Charming Pousada"

Na hotelaria o termo "Inn" em inglês é o equivalente a pousada em português. Em Macau a mais conhecida foi a Pousada de Macau que funcionou entre as décadas de 1950 a 1980 na Travessa do Padre Narciso, com vista para a baía da Praia Grande, ao lado do Palácio do Governo. Seguem-se algumas referências à pequena pousada com apenas 5 quartos duplos em publicações dedicadas ao turismo ao longo dessas décadas.
A "Pousada Macau Inn" ficava tão próxima do Palácio do Governo
que a bandeira de Portugal que se vê na imagem é a do palácio.

"The touring in Macao is handled in co-operation with H. Nolasco and Company (...) Breakfast and lunch are usually had at the charming Pousada de Macau, a small seaside inn owned by the Nolasco firm (...) It goes without saying that if you can spend a night at the Pousada, or at one of the larger but rather less desirable hotels such as the Riviera (...)
All the Best in Japan, with Manila, Hong Kong, and Macao (1958)

"If you want good food, the only hotel with a good kitchen is the small Macao Inn, also called the Pousada do Macau, in Portuguese , about $ 7 double."
Travel Guide to the Orient and the Pacific (1965)

"Pousada (Inn) de Macau - 1 Travessa do Padre Narciso, in residential area. Bar. Portuguese cooking by chef-manager, Americo Angelo. Cheicken African (barbeacued w/hot sipcy sauce of 52 ingredients), roast pigeon, etc..."
Itinerary of Taste (1966)

Like all of Macao, the hotels and inns are best described as old-fashioned, or, determinedly chrome and neon modern, but clean. (...) Other acceptable restaurants serving Western food are the Solmar, Waltzing Matilda Esplanada, and Jimmy's Kichen. Night Life: The Macau Inn might have a band Saturday nights from 8:30 to 12:30 (...)
Fodor's Guide to Japan and East Asia (1968)
"This landmark , centuryold colonial hotel has great charm and a marvelous terrace , but it is badly in need of renovation"
Hong Kong and Macau, Fodor's Travel Publications (1983)

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