
sábado, 2 de junho de 2018

Macau na Época da Restauração / Macau three hundred Years ago

Em 1942 foi editado em Macau pela Imprensa Nacional o livro "Macau na Época da Restauração (Macau three hundred Years ago), da autoria de Charles Boxer.
Esta edição em português e inglês, de 231 páginas, foi limitada a 500 exemplares.
Na introdução pode ler-se: "The accounts which follow comprise all the material of importance, whether in manuscript or in print, which is available for a study of the circumstances under which the Restoration was carried out in Macau. The majority have been printed before, but only in Portuguese works of limited circulation, and more often than not without any notes or critical apparatus." Impresso a duas colunas o livro tem duas partes. Na primeira parte Boxer reproduz 3 relatos de Macau feitos por:  Antonio Bocarro (1635), Peter Mundy (1637) e Marco d' Avalo (1638). Na segunda parte refere o período da governação de D. João IV. Inclui 29 ilustrações com algumas vistas de Macau e reprodução de documentos, nomeadamente do padre António Francisco Cardim, entre outros. Teve uma reedição pela Fundação Oriente em 1993.
"Macau na Época da Restauração (Macau three hundred Years ago)" was printed in two columns in both English and Portuguese by Imprensa Nacional in 1942 at Macau. First edition was limited to 500 copies.
The work traces the history of Macao in the 17th century. It is divided into two parts: In the first Boxer translates/transcribes three accounts of Macao dating 1635 (Antonio Bocarro), 1637 (Peter Mundy), and 1638 (Marco d'Avalo). In the second part Boxer deals with the Restoration of King Dom Joao IV (1641-1645) and his influence on Macao: Again a number of eye-witness accounts are given and each section is prefaced by a historical introduction. By focusing on primary sources by noted individuals Boxer achieves a high degree of authenticity and is able to paint a characteristically vivid picture of Portuguese activities in the Far East. The plates include views of Macao, as well as reproductions of historical documents.
An important gathering of primary source material relating to Macau in the period of the Restoration of the Portuguese monarchy under King John IV, which ended the Iberian Union (1580-1640) and the domination of Portugal and its dominions by the Spanish Habsburgs.
Included are several key documents written by the Jesuit missionary and historian Father António Francisco Cardim, author of Fasciculus e Japponicis floribus.

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