
sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2016

School at Macao: 1903

Dr. Oscar Francis Wisner
Our much loved preacher, You are about to go away from us for a visit to your homeland. You have loved, protected, and taught us all. Some for three years, some for more than ten years. We find it impossible to put into words the gratitude we feel for all that you have done for us. And yet at this time we cannot remain entirely silent. Words of farewell and godspeed. When you first came to Kwongtung, you were once eager to give education and the gospel to the minds of our countrymen. At that time, Dr. Noyes’s institution in Canton was but a small school for boys. Now nearly one hundred students attend that school each year. More than twenty have finished its course of study and have gone out here and there to teach or to preach. These young men are, as it were, the foster sons of you and Dr. Noyes, given to China. But this work did not content you. When you returned to China, about five years ago, you opened “the Christian College in China”, and at the present time one department of this institution is established, almost complete. In south China your college will be a great light, growing ever brighter, and sending forth, an ever-widening circle, the radiance of education and the gospel. We are sure you will succeed in achieving what you desire, and will satisfy us with that for which we hope. This paper we present to you as a pledge of united purpose between you and us, until you shall have returned and we shall meet again.
Faithfully your friends, Ts’uikomtong W. K. Chung, Mok T’in So, Marvin Mark, Liu Tak Shaan, Kw’aan Yan Ch’o
Macao December 1903
Tendo como 'ponto de partida esta fotografia 'cheguei' a esta carta (do mesmo ano) dirigida a Oscar Francis Wisner que está ligado à Escola de Lingnan - Canton Christian College - criada em 1884 em Cantão por Andrew P. Happer, médico e missionário, e que chegou a viver em Macau. Em 1899 a escola transferiu-se para Macau durante 4 anos na altura da guerra dos boxers e passou a denominar-se 嶺南學堂. Nesse período Oscar F.Wisner foi o responsável pela escola (até 1907).
Esta escola está na origem do que é actualmente a Universidade de Sun Iat Sen (criada em 1924), actualmente a mais reputada do Sul da China e no top 6 a nível do país. Tem 'sucursais' em Hong Hong e Macau (Escola Leng Nam).

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