
domingo, 23 de março de 2014

Matrículas na memória

A propósito deste post publicado há alguns dias - 5ª feira, 20 de Março - um leitor (D.C.) do blog nos Estados Unidos enviou-me um texto e uma imagem (ver abaixo). Aqui fica, tal como recebi, esperando que gostem e agradecendo a partilha.
On your Blog, the "Ford Consul" in white was running on the Avenida do Infante D. Henrique near Teatro Nam Van in Macau. It's plate number was M 28-22. In the year of 1965, me and my younger brother had paid attentions on the car numbers in Macau. I still remember the highest number on the civil car was M 28-28 and it was a tour bus which belonged to the Hotel Estoril. It might be the most deluxe bus in Macau by that times, because M 28-25 was a bus from Mercedes Benz with 76 seats.
As for the city buses in 1960 Macau were came from England via Hong Kong, those were the single deck and second hand "Gerard" buses. Instead of the Dinnis double deks in Kowloon, there was not double decks in Victoria Hong Kong.
We also had a truck of Dinnis in Macau, it was in red, belonged to the " Bombeiros" as you still can see in the Fire Dept. Museum of Macau

 Alguns dos autocarros das agências de turismo/hotéis "Estoril" e "Caravela" nos anos 60.

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