
segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013

Carta em patuá 1887

Carta em patuá de 1887 (clicar sobre a imagem para ver em tamanho maior) 
publicada no jornal Ta-Ssi-Yang-Kuo no final do séc. XIX

3 comentários:

  1. I must be honest in confessing that I have made this page my homepage since the day I discovered it. The best treasure hunt you can experience is within this blog, where you can walk down the memory lane as well as learn about the background and little stories of our Macau. The pictures are precious and the information is abundant.

    Thank you for all the hard work and please keep on sharing more with us. We NEED this.


  2. I must be honest in confessing that I have made this page my homepage since the day I discovered it. The best treasure hunt you can experience is within this blog, where you can walk down the memory lane as well as learn about the background and little stories of our Macau. The pictures are precious and the information is abundant.

    Thank you for all the hard work and please keep on sharing more with us. We NEED this.


  3. I must be honest in confessing that I have made this page my homepage since the day I discovered it. The best treasure hunt you can experience is within this blog, where you can walk down the memory lane as well as learn about the background and little stories of our Macau. The pictures are precious and the information is abundant.

    Thank you for all the hard work and please keep on sharing more with us. We NEED this.

